Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Krav Maga - To rank or not to rank?

- Extracted from
- Posting by Mr. Boaz Aviram
- 3rd in line Chief of Krav Maga IDF

Regardless to belts or no belts I do not thing you got what I was trying to say.

You can spend 5 years in a Dojo Style gym and it amounts to about 450 hours considering twice a week and summers off. Out of each hour you spend 45 minutes of warming up, and fitness.

You really spend 15 minutes of rehearsing or true learning.

Krav Maga differentiated itself from the martial arts, not only by choosing and perfecting the techniques, but mainly in the instruction system.

You really do not want to rely on acrobatics. You want to rely on your body in the condition it is when you wake up in the morning or when you are sick. So while it took you few weeks to learn how to crawl and walk as a baby, you now learn how to protect yourself.

When everything is served for you in the formula of IDF Krav Maga, you can master it in 21 hours. Everything to perfection.

It is not some instructor talking about a technique and demonstrating it for a whole hour, but it is a few seconds of demonstrating it, and then it is you that is mastering few techniques to perfection by the end of the hour.

How long does it takes to learn how to drive a car? Not very long. If you choose fitness, then you can do anything you want, but please do not call it "Martial Arts" or "Krav Maga".

It would be activity class.

If you spend years in the Dojo imagining you can conquer the world of evil practicing and sweating forever, keep imagining(please do not take it personally, I was using it as a manner of speech). Feel free to join my friends list on facebook and get my facebook instructional videos, and you can check my references on

*Self defense is a subset of Martial arts*
*Reality based self defense training cannot always be 100% real, because

there may be no one left to train with!* - Me
*Train for what happens most and you will be able to handle most of

what happens -- Marc "Animal" MacYoung*

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