Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Training for reality - #2

When you train, you train ALL aspects, close range, long range, distance gauging...etc.

You have to KNOW WHY you are training WHAT you are training. What is it for? Why do it? Do you do it for real?

Will you get a false sense of security when you excel at ONLY ONE ASPECT of the ENTIRE training process?

For example, training chi sao is good, but if that is all you want to excel in, thinking you can chain punch and fight at such close distance, then you will have an awful wake up call!

This is the "right" way - keeping your distance always

Once you get tooooooo comfortable in getting close, you will be taken down to the ground. Keeping your distance is important.

ALL training is good, just keep in mind that you have to ensure you train in ALL aspects of a fight and not get too caught up in only one aspect of it.

*Self defense is a subset of Martial arts*
*Train for what happens most and you will be able to handle most of what happens -- Marc "Animal" MacYoung*

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