Thursday, June 10, 2010

Moving on after Self defense to fight concepts

After progressing from self-defense, you may wish to extend your interest into fighting/sparring.

This is where you are comfortable exchanging blows with someone else and knows that the "excuse" of self-defense has been thrown out of the window!

There are many different fighting areas you can explore:

1. Street fighting - Usually a clash of egos where a possible SD situation has now escalated to fighting for pride.

For example, you have learnt SD for a few months, a local bully (prob someone u know since 6th grade) stops you and demands money from you (ex-wimp). You use your instincts and training to ensure that there are no weapons involved.

You progress from keeping your distance and now decide to punish him for the past money that was extorted from you. Instead of walking away, you posture and start a verbal exchange.

He pushes you, you go berserk and now start pounding, kneeing, tiger claw, chin jab...

Shucks...he takes you to the ground and he outweighs what???

You have just fallen prey to thinking SD = MMA = MA = Street fighting

You have forgotten that unlike SD, you have CLOSED your option to running away and have decided to fight. Fighting uses a different skill set which you have to learn. For example:

How big your opponent is?
Is he a kicker?
Is he a grappler?
Does he have skills?
Will his friends come in and interrupt the fight to your disadvantage?
What sort of fighting environment? (Beach? Grass? Pub? Glass?)
Any agreement? Like no poking eyes...(yes, street fights has agreements too)
Any legal implication? Like poking eyes, you poke someone's eye in a fight, you get sued for sure.

2. Sport fights

BJJ, MMA, Kumite... You got to know the game and join the right club to learn all the different skills. is a good resource. Go check it out!

*Self defense is a subset of Martial arts*
*Reality based self defense training cannot always be real, because there may be no one left to train with!* - Me
*Train for what happens most and you will be able to handle most of what happens -- Marc "Animal" MacYoung*

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