Sunday, October 4, 2009

Is learning Krav Maga too dangerous for yourself?

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I read with interest an article in a Australian magazine denouncing the learning of reality based self defense techniques. The main reason was that lethal force used during a confrontation could lead to legal and possible criminal proceedings against the victim.

In a way, I do agree with him. But in many ways, it is ridiculous to think that learning a reality based self defense system will do more harm than good.

His issues are:

1. Stomping on the head of an attacker.
I believe this is based on "normal" TKD or Karate training where you do NOT do a follow up when your opponent is down.

I don't understand WHY I should use courtesy when someone points a gun or knife at me. Following up with a stomp on the head is better than getting shot or knifed.

I do NOT know the "scientific" data on strength between a stomp and a karate kick to the head. Both delivers a knockout blow. Watch this:

2. Lethal force

You have a gun and knife pointing at you!! What the ....

3. Lack of control of strength

Well, if you are a big dude, it is very very unlikely you will be picked on to be mugged.

Most victims are picked on because of their size and an appearance of "easy picking".

So, due to your size disadvantage, it is BETTER to go full out, because you DO NOT know how strong the other guy is.

Lack of strength control is rubbish because most KM gyms will have "light" sparring and we DO NOT want to hurt our friends. Yes, the unintentional punches and kicks do land but it is never a knock out because we DO EXERCISE CONTROL!

Well, to all reality based self defense system practitioners, I encourage you to ignore such rubbish thinking and continue to arm yourself with knowledge that could save your life in the street!

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