Saturday, December 26, 2009

Knife fighting reality

Do yourself a favour. Read this.

Lie #1You're going to have time to draw your own weapon
Lie #2 It's going to be a knife "fight"
Lie #3 But what if I'm cornered?"
Lie #4 He's going to attack you a specific way
Lie# 5 And then he is going to passively stand there while you carve him
Lie #6 Trapping and stripping
Lie #7 Bio-mechanical cutting
Lie #8 Knowing how to stickfight means you know how to knife fight
Lie #9 Knowing kali makes you a knife fighter
Lie #10 Grappling with a knife
Lie #11 The knife is an extension of your hand
Lie #12 There is such a thing as a "master knife fighter"
Lie #13 That this is a "fight" at all
Lie #14 Expect to get cut
Lie #15 The FMA are the ultimate knife fighting systems
Lie #16 It's easy to disarm an armed opponent
Lie #17 You can successfully fight an armed attacker
Lie #18 Drills teach you how to knife fight
Lie #19 You can use a knife on another human being without legal repercussions

Go to this website to read the full article:

*Self defense is a subset of Martial arts*
*Train for what happens most and you will be able to handle most of what happens -- Marc "Animal" MacYoung*

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Fantasy - Fighting against Multiple attackers

This is NOT a joke, some "senseis" are actually telling/teaching defense against multiple attackers as though it actually works in real life. I won't make comments, let the vids do the talking. BTW I've never seen more bullshit in my life.

What happens in real life? Fast forward to 2:00 and see what really happens when three fellas come straight at you!!

This guy did quite well with his "kung fu", watch his movements and his eyes. Notice that he goes for the throat most times. 3 vs 1


Thursday, October 15, 2009

Hidden Weapon

A PUBLIC-SPIRITED passer-by foiled an attempted theft at China Square Central on Thursday when he rushed to the aid of the victim who cried out for help.

The 40-year-old woman was preparing to open her push-cart stall for business at about 11.15am when she was alerted by a staff from a neighbouring push-cart that a man had stolen her handbag.

When the victim turned around, she caught sight of a man running away. She immediately shouted: 'Robbery!' and asked passers-by to stop the man. Her cries attracted the attention of 25-year-old Romeo Alfen Bin Abdul Wahid who works as a manager at a nearby cafe.

Mr Romeo chased the suspect and caught him. As he was trying to subdue the thief, the suspect took out a screwdriver and stabbed Mr Romeo's stomach but missed. A scuffle ensued but Mr Romeo managed to pin the suspect onto the floor with the help of other passers-by.

Mr Romeo, who is also a police national serviceman, suffered a superficial scratch on his neck. Police arrived shortly afterwards and arrested the 52-year-old suspect. The victim's handbag was recovered with its contents intact.

The unemployed suspect, who is believed to be responsible for other theft cases as well, will be charged in court on Friday for theft. If found guilty, he could face a jail term of up to three years or a fine, or both.


Points to take note:

1. Execute a take down and finish the fight immediately! - IF you feel a scuffle coming on, immediately create a safe distance, a weapon may appear.

a. Most likely it is a tackle from behind. Down the thief.

b. Smash his head onto the floor, to disorientate him.

c. Get hold of an arm, twist it, stand up and place your foot at his shoulder blade or anywhere to pin him down.

d. If you lose balance, just break his arm.

2. Do NOT mount him.

3. Do NOT go for the clinch from the front.

4. Do NOT allow him to go into a fight stance.

Result of a knife fight - not worth it.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Is learning Krav Maga too dangerous for yourself?

Visit my website:

I read with interest an article in a Australian magazine denouncing the learning of reality based self defense techniques. The main reason was that lethal force used during a confrontation could lead to legal and possible criminal proceedings against the victim.

In a way, I do agree with him. But in many ways, it is ridiculous to think that learning a reality based self defense system will do more harm than good.

His issues are:

1. Stomping on the head of an attacker.
I believe this is based on "normal" TKD or Karate training where you do NOT do a follow up when your opponent is down.

I don't understand WHY I should use courtesy when someone points a gun or knife at me. Following up with a stomp on the head is better than getting shot or knifed.

I do NOT know the "scientific" data on strength between a stomp and a karate kick to the head. Both delivers a knockout blow. Watch this:

2. Lethal force

You have a gun and knife pointing at you!! What the ....

3. Lack of control of strength

Well, if you are a big dude, it is very very unlikely you will be picked on to be mugged.

Most victims are picked on because of their size and an appearance of "easy picking".

So, due to your size disadvantage, it is BETTER to go full out, because you DO NOT know how strong the other guy is.

Lack of strength control is rubbish because most KM gyms will have "light" sparring and we DO NOT want to hurt our friends. Yes, the unintentional punches and kicks do land but it is never a knock out because we DO EXERCISE CONTROL!

Well, to all reality based self defense system practitioners, I encourage you to ignore such rubbish thinking and continue to arm yourself with knowledge that could save your life in the street!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Chili powder attack

Woman's chain snatched A WOMAN in her late 50s lost her $2,000 necklace and pendants after she was robbed at Yishun Ring Road early on Friday morning. She was attacked by a man who threw chilli powder on her face while walking at the void deck of Block 109. He then grabbed the victim's necklace and fled towards Block 105. Police said that the man is in his mid-30s, 1.6m tall and plump. He was dark-complexioned and wore a blue and white t-shirt. He was also carrying a haversack. ******************************************* My opinion: It seems that even robbers are making sure they themselves are "safe" from retaliations from their victims. With this sort of premeditated attacks, it is getting more difficult to execute self-defense techniques. So, in this situation, what will work? 1. Awareness - Why would anyone want to wear jewellery worth $2,000 early in the morning? DON'T DO IT. 2. Awareness - The robber could have been stalking this lady as he KNEW when and where this lady will be AND he brought the "right" equipment with him. Make sure you vary your time schedule and avoid leaving home at wee hours in the morning. 3. Afterthought - The robber would most probably be a resident within the vicinity of the crime. He threw the chili powder to avoid recognition. The best form of self-defense in this situation? Awareness. 1722_ChiliPowder

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Real situation #1 - Do NOT engage unnecessarily

From the New Straits Times -

"I had finished work at a mobile phone shop in Low Yat Plaza and was waiting at the station for my brother as he was coming to pick me up in his car from his shop at Pertama Complex in Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman.

"Suddenly, three men in their 20s pushed me to the ground and demanded my valuables.

"They had a knife and threatened to slit my throat.

"That was when my brother arrived and shouted at them, scaring them off.

My opinion: " GOOD JOB!! Keep your distance and scare off danger. That's what hunters do when they meet with wild animals, shout, wave and use fire to scare the animal off.

Kee Huon said his brother chased after the robbers... My Opininon: BIG BIG MISTAKE! Why did he do that? One versus 3??? Was he insane? Did he think he could take down 3 guys even if they had no weapons?

but returned shortly after with a stab wound in his stomach. My Opininon: Wreckless behaviour that led to a loss of life unnecessarily!

An important element of self defence is ASSUMING that your enemy HAS A WEAPON! So, keep your distance always! If your enemy runs away, just LET IT GO! Your life is MORE IMPORTANT!

It is so sad that such tragedy had occurred.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

fake and real fights

It is a shame that some people actually post up on youtube "fake" fights. Like the following:

They should NOT name it Aikido VERSUS Karate as it is a demo only. Perhaps TECHNIQUES against would be better. But then they probably won't get many hits.

But it does a dis-service to the aikido community.

Would you think this is actually gonna work in real life?

Aikido vs Karate

Or even this?

This is a real fight by an aikido guy (only from his get-up)

He is wasting a lot of energy and does not seem to do a lot of aikido. A combination of punches and wrestling or jujitsu.

Aikido versus MMA

The following clip is real and shows what brazilian or gracie jiujitsu does, it seems that their practitioners do what they preach.

Brazilian Jiujitsu (BJJ / GJJ) versus Karate

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Comment by Chris Sylvan - Ground grappling will get you killed.

"In short, ground grappling in a survival situation can get you killed."

Most arguments against ground fighting.

1st Argument - Ground grappling is only for 1 vs 1 and it is NOT realistic.

Ok, let's see:

a. You enter a lift and a robber tries to rob you. Well, that is 1 v 1 right? Or, robbers always ONLY work in pairs?

b. You are a taxi driver, your passenger is drunk and suddenly get aggressive and doesn't want to pay the fare. That's also 1 v 1 rite?

c. You are a girl on a date, your date decides to rape you... that is also 1 v 1. Or dates occur with TWO guys and 1 girl only?

d. You are at a soccer practice and your son tackles his opponent. The father doesn't take too kindly to it and tries to accost your son. You intervene, he tries to throw a punch at you... that's 1 v 1 too right? Or the fathers will SUDDENLY gang up and kick you too?

e. Your friend gets too drunk and you KNOW he holds the hots for your girl. He tries to touch your woman... that's a 1 v 1 situation too rite? (Now, would you go Krav Maga on him? Gorge his eyes, break his nose, arms and stomp on his head??)

Many detractors just want to say that ALL fights are NOT 1 v 1. What kind of bullshit is that??

Now, you can TRAIN for multiple attackers, but can you SERIOUSLY fight off multiple attackers in real life? I doubt it. Unless your attackers are kinda slow and has some shortage of physical / mental intelligence.

Argument 2 - All grounds are filled with glasses or rough surfaces, ground fighting is useless.

a. Date rape - On a very soft bed?

b. You do a take down, throwing the bad guy down and mount him immediately. HE IS ON THE GROUND not you!

c. Fights can occur on beaches, grass, mud... not all fights occur in the bar. By the way, if you DO WANT to fight in a bar, think twice, the bouncers will get you for sure.

d. You are surrounded with glass on the floor, you can fight for dominant position and throw the other guy to the floor. Or better yet, just walk away.

e. You are on a concrete floor, the other guy takes you down, what do you do? Struggle? Or try to remount with your BJJ/GJJ technique?

Why do detractors always think WE will end up on our backs and NOT the other way around? Are you saying Judo DOES NOT work in real life?

Argument 3 - "emphasis should then be on escaping from such situations as quickly as they occur." instead of escaping.

Well, maybe this person should watch the very FIRST lesson of the Gracie combatives where three escapes are taught immediately.

You CANNOT escape in the octagon, therefore you DO NOT see that. You will see fighters going for the remount.

Argument 4 - " Making any attempt to "win" with an opponent on the ground is foolhardy at best and fatal at worst."

Well, in the UFC, you can TAP OUT and WE LET GO.

In real life, we can just break your arm, put you to sleep, break your foot, joints... just ask the jujitsu fighters who did that because they were fighting against fully armoured men.

So, there is a reason to LEARN ALL TYPES of martial arts. Ground and stand up, empty hand and weapon based. ALL ARE JUST AS IMPORTANT!!!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Controversial - JKD martial artists should do Krav Maga

This is a controversial issue and some people may be offended. But I think that are a lot of similarities in their philosophies (Jeet Kune Do and Krav Maga).

Krav Maga

In developing the self-defense system, survival in any situation was foremost in Imi's mind. Accordingly, krav maga relies on a person's natural instincts and reflexes for self-defense. Awareness and mental conditioning are integral to krav maga training. Krav maga's philosophy is never to do more than necessary, but to react with speed, economy of motion, and the appropriate measure of force. Speed is paramount and one is taught to strike instinctively at the human body's vulnerable parts. Krav maga is dynamic and constantly evolves as situations require. The system is battle-tested and street-proven.

Jeet Kune Do
I have not invented a "new style," composite, modified or otherwise that is set within distinct form as apart from "this" method or "that" method. On the contrary, I hope to free my followers from clinging to styles, patterns, or molds. Remember that Jeet Kune Do is merely a name used, a mirror in which to see "ourselves". . . Jeet Kune Do is not an organized institution that one can be a member of. Either you understand or you don't, and that is that. There is no mystery about my style. My movements are simple, direct and non-classical. The extraordinary part of it lies in its simplicity. Every movement in Jeet Kune-Do is being so of itself. There is nothing artificial about it. I always believe that the easy way is the right way. Jeet Kune-Do is simply the direct expression of one's feelings with the minimum of movements and energy. The closer to the true way of Kung Fu, the less wastage of expression there is. Finally, a Jeet Kune Do man who says Jeet Kune Do is exclusively Jeet Kune Do is simply not with it. He is still hung up on his self-closing resistance, in this case anchored down to reactionary pattern, and naturally is still bound by another modified pattern and can move within its limits. He has not digested the simple fact that truth exists outside all molds; pattern and awareness is never exclusive. Again let me remind you Jeet Kune Do is just a name used, a boat to get one across, and once across it is to be discarded and not to be carried on one's back.
– Bruce Lee

I would even suggest that those who practices Krav Maga IS practicing Jeet Kune Do!

Krav Maga is many things to many men. Some take it as a means to learn simple effective self-defence techniques.

Some wants to learn the art of dirty fighting.

Some like the andrenaline pumping routine of Krav Maga classes.

Some like to learn the different elements:

a. Judo
b. Jujitsu
c. Close combat
d. Karate/Tae Kwon Do/ Hapkido
e. Street fighting

All evolve in a "single" artform.

The danger of practicing Krav Maga is to think that you are all things and therefore can take on anyone at any time. Many instructors like to let their students "enjoy" this fallacy.

Judo, Jujitsu, Karate... have survived and is practiced by so many due to their effectiveness and their ability to hone a certain skill.

An expert in Judo and Jujitsu practitioner if he decides to take up Krav Maga is a devastating Krav Maga exponent.

But you CANNOT say it the OTHER way around. A KM practitioner will never kick or throw as well as the Judo or Jujitsu person. Even without rules, the Judo or Karate guy will and can ditch his ethical stance and be dirty too!

Therefore, unlike JKD where Bruce Lee is directly expounding martial arts truth, Krav Maga exponents can delude themselves into thinking they are the "ultimate" fighter!

There are some who even say, KM is for those without prior fitness levels. Bruce Lee says, you MUST be fit and outlast your opponent.

But look at how those Israelists train? Full out, mind blowing, lung busting routines to be effective Krav Maga fighters.

My point is, KM practitioners can / should embrace some basic JKD principles (after all Bruce Lee is regarded as the father of MMA), such as fitness levels and evolvement of an art.

While JKD practitioners now can mesh all their different skills and use it under the Krav Maga category, because Krav Maga is really an art that takes the most dangerous elements of all the other arts.

I love and practice Krav Maga for its all round effectiveness, I practice gracie jiujitsu for more purity in ground fighting techniques and I keep fit so that i can ACTUALLY do all that without being winded easily!

Cheers all!

P.S. There is NO bad martial art, only bad martial artists!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Brazilian Jiujitsu - Stand up defence techniques

There are stand up defence techniques!!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Kung fu versus Gracie Jiujitsu

This is a second video of Kung Fu vs Gracie Jiujitsu.

I am not a fan or fanatic supporter of Gracie Jiujitsu. But after viewing this video and seeing how the kungfu exponent was totally outclassed on the ground, I have to remind people to take up grappling or ground fighting classes!

Of course, DON'T go to the ground while fighting more than 1 person!

See another real fight.

Or just visit my website:

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Fight Quest - Hapkido


Location: Seoul, South Korea
Masters: Kim Nam Je, Bae Sung Book/Ju Soong Weo
Features: Feet, hands, throws

My take on this episode -
Doug injured himself and did not so well in his fight, eeriely as predicted by a "fortune teller" at the start of the episode.

Jimmy did very well, good technique, very smooth and fought well against his opponent. However, Jimmy's fight was very much of "boxing" style and his opponent got injured halfway during the match.

What is Hapkido?
Hapkido (also spelled hap ki do or hapki-do) is a dynamic and eclectic Korean martial art. It is a form of self-defense that employs joint locks, pressure points, throws, kicks, and other strikes. Hapkido practitioners train to counter the techniques of other martial arts as well as common unskilled attacks. There are also traditional weapons including short stick, cane, rope, nunchucks, sword and staff which vary in emphasis depending on the particular tradition examined. ... more at

Final fight at

Basic Hapkido techniques

Monday, March 9, 2009

Fight Quest - Savate

Location: Marseille, France
Masters: Christian Robert, Frank May/Frederic Baret/Laurent Bois/Patrick Gellat
Features: Hands, feet

My take on this episode -
I think they look "funny" in the suit.

What is Savate?
Savate takes its name from the French for "old boot" (heavy footwear that used to be worn during fights). The modern formalized form is mainly an amalgam of French street fighting techniques from the beginning of the 19th century[1]. Savate was then a type of street fighting common in Paris and northern France. In the south, especially in the port of Marseille, sailors developed a fighting style involving high kicks and open-handed slaps. It is conjectured that this kicking style was developed in this way to allow the fighter to use a hand to hold onto something for balance on a rocking ship's deck, and that the kicks and slaps were used on land to avoid the legal penalties for using a closed fist, which was considered a deadly weapon under the law. It was known as jeu marseillais ("game from Marseille"), and was later renamed chausson ("slipper", after the type of shoes the sailors wore).

More on website (click here)

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Knife fight

Krav Maga is a very popular self defence martial arts now. It seems to be the TOP most realistic street fighting technique.

I personally think that you have to really practice what is being taught to you, or else, you are going to be THE SAME as anyone who just acts by instinct!

The following video is a knife defence technique. Pretty cool but try it with a "prepared" attacker, hmmm, the outcome would NOT be so "cool" any more.

Try this at home with a prepared attacker. With a FAKE KNIFE of course!!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Fight Quest - Pencak Silat

Location: Bandung, Indonesia
Masters: Rita Suwanda/Dadang Gunawan
Features: Hands, feet, throws, weapons

What is Pencak Silat?
There is no overall standard for Pencak Silat. Each style has its own particular movement patterns, specially designed techniques and tactical rationale. The richness of terms reflects a wide diversity in styles and techniques across the regions due to the fact that pencak silat has been developed by different masters who have created their own style according to their preferences and to the physical environment and social-cultural context in which they live.

See website for more information:

Final Fight

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Fight Quest - Boxing assignment

Location: Mexico City, Mexico
Masters: Ignacio "Nacho" Beristain/Tiburcio Garcia
Features: Hands

My take on this episode -
Doug and Jimmy seems to enjoy this assignment very much. Jimmy enjoyed real cammaradarie with his trainers. Watch the youtube posting below.

Doug had a great fight and totally outclassed his opponent.

Full website go to:

Final Fight video

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Tai Chi

Tai Chi conjures up images of old folks in a park slooooowly passing the time away doing moves that doesn't seem at all like martial arts.


There are quite a few "styles" of tai chi. Some consist of very elaborate steps not so easily duplicated by a novice, while others seems easier to learn.

Although it seems like a very non-physical art to master, a person who tries it will know that it is physically demanding to maintain the posture required of the art.

I DO NOT know how effective it is in combat as I have NEVER seen tai chi sparring before. Yes, there are youtube videos of Tai Chi demos but not all out sparring.

Tai Chi vs Boxing, hmmm, not a very pretty picture....until of course, I learnt of COMBAT TAI CHI!!

More tai chi styles at:

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Fight Quest - Kyokushin Karate

Location: Tokyo, Japan
Masters: Shihan Yuzo Goda/Shihan Isamu Fukuda
Features: Hands, feet, smashing things

My take on this episode -
It looks like it is the toughest of all their assignment. The Japanese did not give them any chance of "winning".

Jimmy and Doug had a tough time but their spirit must be applauded!

What is Kyokushin Karate?
Kyokushin training consists of three main elements: (1) technique, (2) forms, and (3) sparring. These are sometimes referred to as the three "K's" after the Japanese words for them: kihon (technique), kata (forms), and kumite (sparring).

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Kung Fu - 1 versus three

Real fight - 1 guy versus 3 other guys.

Technique used: Kung Fu

Look at how the yellow shirt guy choses his opponent and look at his stance too!

Would Brazilian Jujitsu work better here? I doubt it!

Brazilian Jujitsu

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Fight Quest

I will be following the Fight Quest episodes and posting their fights here.

First up: Sanda from China

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Kendo meaning "Way of the Sword", is a modern Japanese martial art of sword-fighting based on traditional Japanese swordsmanship, or Kenjutsu.

Kendo is a physically and mentally challenging activity that combines strong martial arts values with sport-like physical elements.

See website for more.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Unarmed combat

This "art", is brutal, cruel and effective...because it is a matter of LIFE AND DEATH while using it!!

Used in varying "styles" by different militaries all over the world and with varying degrees of efficiency in different combat vocations, it is probably the only "pure" fighting art.

In martial arts, you DO NOT want to snuff the life out of your opponent. Especially if you are a shaolin monk, right?

So, most martial arts are there for defence and then to overcome your opponent without much damage to yourself and making your opponent yield.

In unarmed combat, there is no tap out. If you were in the jungle, there are no judges and tap outs. Giving your opponent a 2nd chance probably means death for yourself!

Go to my website for more videos!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


I had difficulties in catching its name on Fight Quest.

I had the impression that it was a street fighting technique.

Taken from Wikipedia.

Kajukenbo is a hybrid martial art that combines karate, tang soo do, judo, jujutsu, kenpo and kung fu. It was founded in 1947 in Oahu, Hawaii, at the Palama Settlements.

The original purpose of the art was to deal with local crime, and to help the people defend themselves from U.S.

Navy sailors who would drink and start fights. The founders were Sijo ("founder") Adriano Emperado, Peter Young Yil Choo, Joe Holck, Frank Ordonez, and Clarence Chang, who called themselves the Black Belt Society.

Kajukenbo uses hard, fast strikes to vital points throughout the body, takedowns involving high impact throws and many joint and limb destruction techniques--usually as follow-ups to takedowns. There are also many blocks from attacks such as punches and defenses and disarmament of offensive weapons.

My opinion: Sounds alot like Krav Marga. Meaning = practical self defence!

See my website

The demo: