Do yourself a favour. Read this.
Lie #1You're going to have time to draw your own weapon
Lie #2 It's going to be a knife "fight"
Lie #3 But what if I'm cornered?"
Lie #4 He's going to attack you a specific way
Lie# 5 And then he is going to passively stand there while you carve him
Lie #6 Trapping and stripping
Lie #7 Bio-mechanical cutting
Lie #8 Knowing how to stickfight means you know how to knife fight
Lie #9 Knowing kali makes you a knife fighter
Lie #10 Grappling with a knife
Lie #11 The knife is an extension of your hand
Lie #12 There is such a thing as a "master knife fighter"
Lie #13 That this is a "fight" at all
Lie #14 Expect to get cut
Lie #15 The FMA are the ultimate knife fighting systems
Lie #16 It's easy to disarm an armed opponent
Lie #17 You can successfully fight an armed attacker
Lie #18 Drills teach you how to knife fight
Lie #19 You can use a knife on another human being without legal repercussions
Go to this website to read the full article:
*Self defense is a subset of Martial arts*
*Train for what happens most and you will be able to handle most of what happens -- Marc "Animal" MacYoung*