Saturday, December 26, 2009

Knife fighting reality

Do yourself a favour. Read this.

Lie #1You're going to have time to draw your own weapon
Lie #2 It's going to be a knife "fight"
Lie #3 But what if I'm cornered?"
Lie #4 He's going to attack you a specific way
Lie# 5 And then he is going to passively stand there while you carve him
Lie #6 Trapping and stripping
Lie #7 Bio-mechanical cutting
Lie #8 Knowing how to stickfight means you know how to knife fight
Lie #9 Knowing kali makes you a knife fighter
Lie #10 Grappling with a knife
Lie #11 The knife is an extension of your hand
Lie #12 There is such a thing as a "master knife fighter"
Lie #13 That this is a "fight" at all
Lie #14 Expect to get cut
Lie #15 The FMA are the ultimate knife fighting systems
Lie #16 It's easy to disarm an armed opponent
Lie #17 You can successfully fight an armed attacker
Lie #18 Drills teach you how to knife fight
Lie #19 You can use a knife on another human being without legal repercussions

Go to this website to read the full article:

*Self defense is a subset of Martial arts*
*Train for what happens most and you will be able to handle most of what happens -- Marc "Animal" MacYoung*

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Fantasy - Fighting against Multiple attackers

This is NOT a joke, some "senseis" are actually telling/teaching defense against multiple attackers as though it actually works in real life. I won't make comments, let the vids do the talking. BTW I've never seen more bullshit in my life.

What happens in real life? Fast forward to 2:00 and see what really happens when three fellas come straight at you!!

This guy did quite well with his "kung fu", watch his movements and his eyes. Notice that he goes for the throat most times. 3 vs 1
